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Who do you think makes more money post-college: consultants and bankers, or people who buy businesses? You guessed it!
Today I'm going to be telling you the smartest way--hands down--to get to 5 figures of monthly income.
It is the best way to hit $10,000 per month. It has the lowest failure rate (which is especially important in 2023), allows for income on day one, and it's how the largest percentage of people on the Forbes 500 list made their money.
And it all starts with two words that I'm known for (comment below if you know what they are so I can see who's been doing their homework)! It's as simple as buying people's businesses, and using other people's money to pay for it. It's not only possible, it's necessary!
There are way more businesses than buyers, and today I'm going to teach you how to replace your W2 income by buying a business, how to finance a business by using other people's money, and the 4 different ways we can cash flow so you can buy your businesses.