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These are some of the questions I promise every Christian will be asked at some point.
I compiled some common questions I've gotten over the years and asked my friend Frank Turek on to do what he does best: answer these questions and tell corny dad jokes while he's at it.
03:49- Believing in God is for dumb people. Evolution answers the question of how we got here. So how do we know that a God even exists?
08:52- I don’t understand how morality proves that a God exists. Even an animal can show ‘kindness’ to another and it doesn’t need to prove that a god exists, so how is this even a good argument?
12:35- Can’t multiple universes explain the fine-tuning argument?
15:33- All religions claim to be true. What makes you think your religion is the true religion and everyone else is wrong and damned to hell? Isn’t that completely judgmental of you to say?
20:29- How could a loving God send people to hell, especially for all eternity? Why not just allow everyone into heaven, or have a temporary punishment for the people that really have done evil?
25:58- How do we know that the Bible is reliable? Do we have any actual evidence for the Old Testament claims like the army being wiped out in the Exodus, and how do we know they recorded the truth and didn’t make it up?
32:11- With the terrible amount of evil in the world, It seems that a good God would do something to intervene. How can God sit and watch and do nothing?
39:44- The Bible doesn’t teach homosexuality is a sin so why do Christians condemn it?
44:07- Why is it that only religious people say abortion is wrong? It seems to me that they only care about the baby when it’s in the womb, and could care less after the baby is born.