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These are some of the questions I promise every Christian will be asked at some point.
I compiled some common questions I've gotten over the years and asked my friend Frank Turek on to do what he does best: answer these questions and tell corny dad jokes while he's at it.
03:49- Believing in God is for dumb people. Evolution answers the question of how we got here. So how do we know that a God even exists?
08:52- I don’t understand how morality proves that a God exists. Even an animal can show ‘kindness’ to another and it doesn’t need to prove that a god exists, so how is this even a good argument?
12:35- Can’t multiple universes explain the fine-tuning argument?
15:33- All religions claim to be true. What makes you think your religion is the true religion and everyone else is wrong and damned to hell? Isn’t that completely judgmental of you to say?
20:29- How could a loving God send people to hell, especially for all eternity? Why not just allow everyone into heaven, or have a temporary punishment for the people that really have done evil?
25:58- How do we know that the Bible is reliable? Do we have any actual evidence for the Old Testament claims like the army being wiped out in the Exodus, and how do we know they recorded the truth and didn’t make it up?
32:11- With the terrible amount of evil in the world, It seems that a good God would do something to intervene. How can God sit and watch and do nothing?
39:44- The Bible doesn’t teach homosexuality is a sin so why do Christians condemn it?
44:07- Why is it that only religious people say abortion is wrong? It seems to me that they only care about the baby when it’s in the womb, and could care less after the baby is born.
For many critics, the arch-conservative Catholic community Opus Dei is a diabolical sect. However, Opus Dei (which translates to "Work of God”) sees itself in a very positive light. Even today, it’s very difficult to look into the inner world of the sect.
That's because its 90,000 members worldwide have taken a vow of secrecy - and those who have left report persecution if they break that vow. Meanwhile, Opus Dei is working to become the most influential player in the Catholic Church. To this end, it maintains a secret network - including branches in Germany.
It is no coincidence that the German headquarters are located in Cologne - Germany‘s most powerful Catholic archdiocese. In Germany, Opus Dei is focused on trying to gain a foothold in the field of education, by running daycare centers and schools.
The examination of a daycare center in Munich shows that Opus Dei deliberately conceals its involvement in these institutions. Another component of the network is IESE, the business school of Opus Dei, which also has an offshoot in Germany. It is considered one of the best schools of its kind in the world.
In Spain, where Opus Dei originated, sect members are active in parts of the judicial and educational sectors. The documentary tries to uncover these connections in both Spain and Germany, and lets both victims and experts have their say. It also includes an interview with the head of Opus Dei, Christoph Bockamp.
For the first time, a former member from Germany reports on her ordeal in Opus Dei and the harassment she experienced after she broke away from the sect. Spaniard Carmen Charo developed mental health problems during her time in Opus Dei, due to brainwashing and psychological pressure. Today, she helps others in their journey out of Opus Dei.
Dietmar Scharmitzer is trying to do the same thing with German-speaking people who want to leave, and runs an Internet platform to help inform them. Finally, Marco Politi, an author and Vatican expert from Rome, takes stock of the influence Opus Dei has exerted since the time of Pope John Paul II.
The Old City of Jerusalem covers less than one square kilometer and is home to Jews, Christians and Muslims. The political tensions dividing Israel and the Palestinians are felt acutely here. How do the Old City's residents deal with this stress? We put that question to three families and to three clerics representing the three 'world religions'.
Israeli Palestinian conflict explained: an animated introduction Israel and Palestine
Easy to understand, historically accurate https://JewishVoiceforPeace.org/ mini- primer about why Israelis and Palestinians are fighting, why the US-backed peace process has been an impediment to peace, and what you can do to make a difference. This conflict is essentially about land and human rights, not religion and culture. Endorsed by Palestinian, Israeli and American scholars and peace activists.
Jewish Voice for Peace opposes anti-Jewish, anti-Muslim, and anti-Arab bigotry and oppression. JVP seeks an end to the Israeli occupation of the West Bank, Gaza Strip, and East Jerusalem; security and self-determination for Israelis and Palestinians; a just solution for Palestinian refugees based on principles established in international law; an end to violence against civilians; and peace and justice for all peoples of the Middle East. Current mission statement adopted in 2009.
Jewish Voice for Peace is a diverse and democratic community of activists inspired by Jewish tradition to work together for peace, social justice, and human rights. We support the aspirations of Israelis and Palestinians for security and self-determination.
Pasteur KONÉ Moussa Petit fils et fils d'imam et ex imam converti à Jésus-Christ - Mon témoignage - Église Évangélique Vie Nouvelle Paris
Voilà pourquoi il y a des contradictions et des erreurs dans le Coran.
Ray Comfort interviews a man who was born and raised in a Mormon home and in the Mormon church, but left and became a born-again Christian. He exposes many aspects of the Mormon faith that Mormons don't like telling people about, explains why he left Mormonism, and then explains how Mormonism is different from biblical Christianity.
Evaluating the unbiblical traditions of Catholicism. Having rejected the gospel of grace they have added a bunch of works and a bunch of mediators between you and God.
We will deal with several specific teachings that have developed over time in Catholicism. Teachings about Mary, indulgences, the seven sacraments, the Eucharist and more.
Are Mormons Christians? Are those who call themselves "Mormons" or "The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints" following the same beliefs of those who call themselves "Christians"? In this video Tim discusses the massive differences in the belief system of the Mormons, who follow the teachings of Joseph Smith, compared to the Christians, who follow the teachings of Christ from the Bible.
I was recently visited by some Mormons who claimed to be Christians and said that the book of Mormon teaches the same things as the Bible, but is that really true? The two Mormon missionaries who visited my house claimed that the book of Mormon teaches the same things as the Bible. So, I decided to ask them a few questions to see if what they believe really does line up with the Bible.
Are Mormons Christians? They believe in Jesus Christ. However, the better question is, what exactly do they believe ABOUT Jesus? What do Mormons believe about God? What do Mormons believe about inspiration of scripture? What do Mormons believe about salvation? How are the Mormon beliefs different from traditional Christianity? These and other questions I answer in this video. Enjoy and leave comments below!
A poem I wrote to highlight the difference between Jesus and false religion. In the scriptures Jesus received the most opposition from the most religious people of his day. At it's core Jesus' gospel and the good news of the Cross is in pure opposition to self-righteousness/self-justification. Religion is man centered, Jesus is God-centered. This poem highlights my journey to discover this truth. Religion either ends in pride or despair. Pride because you make a list and can do it and act better than everyone, or despair because you can't do your own list of rules and feel "not good enough" for God. With Jesus though you have humble confident joy because He represents you, you don't represent yourself and His sacrifice is perfect putting us in perfect standing with God the Father.