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Africa in the Bible: The Myth of a Cursed Race (Part 1) | A Day of Discovery Legacy Series - YouTube
For centuries, an ancient curse was used to support the terrible evils of slavery. It’s a curse that appears in one isolated verse in the Bible. Even today, this misunderstood curse still lingers with us as a legacy of shame. Fortunately, through tracing history and honest examination, researchers have exposed the lie of a cursed race.
Another concern for African descendants is that Christianity is a white man’s religion, and that they should be looking elsewhere for faith. You may be surprised what a journey back before the days of slavery reveals about the faith of the African forefathers. In fact, it goes back to the very first followers of Jesus.
Many people who are descendants of slaves have returned to the continent of Africa in search of their historical and spiritual roots. But most aren’t aware of a long lost Christian heritage and identity in Africa and in the Bible. Until now.
Africa and the Bible seeks to expose the myths and bring light to some of the questions we ask. You’ll discover the spiritual heritage and identity of people of African descent through this 3-part program from Day of Discovery.
The journey includes:
Part 1: The Myth of a Cursed Race — https://youtu.be/RLX92CI5Loo
Part 2: White Man’s Religion? - February 15, 2021 — https://youtu.be/Idtl89dve1M
Part 3: The River of Faith - February 22, 2021 — https://youtu.be/4WgLUwmp8_I
The Dangers of Gender-Affirming Care
Sign the petition to protect kids from harmful transgender ideology: https://l.prageru.com/3s9t12U
What happens when a child is told she is born in the wrong body and undergoes life-altering surgery only to experience regret? A growing number of young Americans are being manipulated by social media and pushed by medical professionals to take hormones and undergo surgery. Now, many are finding the courage to detransition and warn others about their experience.
Featuring interviews with:
Detransitioners Daisy Strongin and Abel Garcia
Transgenderism expert and fellow at the Manhattan Institute Leor Sapir
Attorney Harmeet Dhillon, whose clients are suing healthcare providers for performing “gender-affirming” surgery on minors
DETRANS serves as a wake-up call to all of us: our children are in danger and it’s up to us to protect them.
This powerful investigation into Shia clerics in some of Iraq's holiest shrines uncovers a network of exploitation of young women and girls, trapped into prostitution and pimped out by a religious elite. For the first time the clerics' secret sex trade has been captured on camera. Undercover filming and victim testimony reveal how they procure young women for male clients, and are prepared to conduct ‘pleasure marriages’ with children.
Chaque année aux Etats-Unis, des milliards de dollars sont générés par un travail non rémunéré : celui des athlètes universitaires. Le documentaire dévoile le monde de l'exploitation des sports universitaires à hauts revenus à travers les histoires de quatre jeunes joueurs de basket-ball et football américain à différents stades de leur carrière et un entraîneur désabusé.
REGARDER LA PARTIE 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hABVpud-w3Q
Et si l'histoire officielle ne racontait pas toute la vérité?
Dans ce documentaire en deux parties, Benjamin Tremblay et l'équipe de 7 jours sur Terre explorent en profondeur l'un des récits les plus tabous en politique internationale, soit l'histoire incroyable de Mouammar Kadhafi.
C'est un récit aussi choquant que véridique. Une histoire de pétrole, d'argent, de corruption et de secrets d'État.
Grâce à des courriels de Hillary Clinton rendus publics sur Wikileaks, il est désormais possible de mieux comprendre l'histoire incroyable de Mouammar Kadhafi ainsi que les motivations réelles de l'intervention en Libye.
Il voulait unir l'Afrique, unir les pays arabes, et bousculer le système mondial.
Plutôt, il est devenu l'ennemi numéro public numéro un.
Première portion d'un documentaire en deux parties.
Dans cette partie, nous explorons la montée fulgurante de Kadhafi ainsi que ses premiers affrontements avec les puissances mondiales.
En France, dans les années 1680, la minorité protestante fait face à l’hostilité grandissante de la monarchie catholique. Par la révocation de l'édit de Nantes, en 1685, Louis XIV scelle le destin des "huguenots". Malgré l'interdiction faite aux "simples fidèles", près de 300 000 protestants quittent le pays. Ce docu-fiction en deux volets retrace l'histoire de cet exil forcé et de ses conséquences.
Tim Ballard a quitté son poste d'agent spécial du ministère américain de la sécurité intérieure pour fonder O.U.R. [Operation Underground Railroad]. Grâce à cette organisation, Tim et son équipe planifient des opérations d'infiltration pour sauver des enfants victimes de trafic sexuel dans le monde entier. À ce jour, ils ont sauvé des centaines d'enfants de conditions horribles, ce qu’il n'était pas en mesure de faire lorsqu'il était lié par des restrictions gouvernementales. Découvrez O.U.R. et sa mission de mettre fin à l'esclavage moderne en rejoignant Tim et son équipe de forces spéciales lors d'une mission secrète en Haïti, pour traduire en justice un réseau de trafiquants sexuels qui ont soudoyé les autorités pour échapper à la prison. L'opération Toussaint (2018).
The frantic race for raw materials has brought nuclear power back into fashion. Uranium from Niger, the 4th largest producer in the world, only recently exploited by the French company Areva, has become a strategic stake coveted by various powers. Today, the exploitation of this ore has seriously polluted the sites. Despite Areva's claims, the town of Arlit, located near the open-pit mines, is contaminated, causing cancer, lung or skin diseases among former miners and residents. If the majority of the population demonstrates its discontent peacefully, on the other hand groups of Tuaregs have taken up arms. Fearing that this movement would take on significant political weight, the government of Niamey cordoned off the area, prohibited access to journalists and prevented the Tuareg rebellion from obtaining an international platform. Several French and Nigerien journalists have been imprisoned for trying to circumvent this ban. For the first time, an on-the-spot investigation, among rebel Tuaregs, Nigeriens, experts and Areva, has lifted the veil on the truth.
Written and directed by Nahan Siby, Frédérique Denis and Stéphane Manier
The Spider's Web: Britain's Second Empire | The Secret World of Finance
Michael Oswald's film The Spider's Web reveals how at the demise of the empire, the City of London's financial interests created a web of secrecy jurisdictions that captured wealth from across the globe and hid it in a web of offshore islands. Today, up to half of global offshore wealth is hidden in British jurisdictions and Britain and its dependencies are the largest global players in The Secret World of Finance.
The Music Industry has an infamous history as one of the shadiest. Within this new docuseries we will be take a look at it's dark side. Between the ties to organized crime to the rigging of the charts, the goal of this series is to be a walkthrough, and tour through the stories the industry would probably like to ignore.
Climate change is causing temperatures to rise. And everyone is consuming more water - whether it’s to make soda, microchips or cattle feed. But our reservoirs are running dry. Investors are buying water rights, prices are going up and farmers are running out of water.
The climate crisis is worsening worldwide. In many countries, increasing drought is threatening not only human survival, but entire ecosystems. Livestock farmers are running out of water. In India, farmers can no longer irrigate their fields. People are fleeing their homes in large numbers.
Who owns water? Will there be more and more conflicts, even wars, over water? What will happen if our water disappears?
This is a three-part documentary series:
Part 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1MZFrJPPIQ8
Part 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pWTg-Gpb2Tw
Part 3: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9edWX7TTsLw
This is the FULL MOVIE! - The Internet's Own Boy depicts the life of American computer programmer, writer, political organizer and Internet activist Aaron Swartz. It features interviews with his family and friends as well as the internet luminaries who worked with him. The film tells his story up to his eventual suicide after a legal battle, and explores the questions of access to information and civil liberties that drove his work.
Director / Producer: Brian Knappenberger
Our investigation reveals more than $1 billion raised by the Mormon church in Canada has been funnelled to the U.S. rather than going to charitable works in this country. We hear from former members in Canada and elsewhere who say concerns about how money is spent have led them to leave the church.
In February 2020, a shocking video began to circulate on Chinese social media. A group of African children are being instructed, by a voice off-camera, to chant phrases in Chinese. The kids repeat the words with smiles and enthusiasm — but they don’t understand that what they’re being told to say is “I am a black monster and my IQ is low.” The clip ignited outrage in China and beyond.
But no-one ever answered the crucial questions: Why was this filmed? Where was it shot? Who made it?
These questions send #BBCAfricaEye and #BBCEyeInvestigations reporters Runako Celina and Henry Mhango on a journey into a Chinese video-making industry that exploits vulnerable children across the continent.