Tiens, ça fait un moment que je n’ai pas publié de billet sur ce blog. Ces derniers temps, je suis plus occupé à tweeter et essayer de comprendre ce que peut m’apporter Twitter.
Bref, ci-dessous vous trouverez les infos pour un nouveau séminaire en ligne qui semble intéressant.
Pharmaceutical Market Access 2010:
Find out the latest Strategic Developments Impacting the US, EU and Emerging Markets
Featuring the New Research on Public Reactions to the Proposed Obama Reforms to the US Healthcare Industry
In a NEW, FREE WebSeminar:
September 30, 2009
12:00 – 1:00 pm ET 18:00 – 19:00 CET
Today, you are facing significant short-term and long-term challenges in the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industry. Financial pressures from current generic competition, upcoming patent expirations, and pending healthcare legislation and reforms in both the US and EU, are forcing the industry to « rethink » everything from R&D to Marketing.
Future revenue growth in the US and EU is unclear, so pharma and biotech companies are looking to Emerging Market opportunities in Brazil, Russia, India, and China (i.e., BRIC) to drive future business. The EU is wrestling with the cost effectiveness of treatments and working through key changes in important regulatory processes. In addition, the US healthcare reforms and pending legislation are pointing to universal coverage or the emergence of a « national plan. »
What does this all mean for patients, physicians, payers, and pharmaceutical / biotech manufacturers especially as payer actions and priorities converge across borders?
Find out how you can
- Create Effective Access Strategies for the High-Growth Emerging Markets
- Learn about the critical developments that will influence US Market Access for High Cost Drugs: The Strategic Implications for Pharma and Biotech
- Learn about Insights Into New Trends for Financing Healthcare (Including Specific Country Examples Showing Key Changes in Health Systems and Regulatory Processes)
- Learn about the Growing Focus on Cost Effectiveness in the EU: The Impact on Future Branding and Pricing Strategy
- Understand How to Identify and Impact Decision Makers at Every Level – National, Regional, and Individual Insurer
- Learn the How and Why EU Healthcare Initiatives Can Better Inform the Debate on US Healthcare Reform
Who Should Attend
- C-Level Executives: CEO, CFO, COO
- Vice Presidents of Sales, Marketing, and Branding
- Market Access Executives for All Therapeutic Areas (Especially Oncology)
- Market and International Oncology and Brand Executives
Why You Should Attend
To understand the market access issues impacting the future investment and financial return for your organization and brands
Register now for Pharmaceutical Market Access 2010 at www.pharmavoice.com/marketaccess
Lee Blansett
Senior Vice-President
Oncology Market Access
Dr. Susanne Michel, MD, MSc
Head of Global Market Access, Pricing and Reimbursement
Stephen Potts
Regional Director for Healthcare – Asia Pacific, the Middle East and Africa
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