Je viens d’apprendre la tenue de DigiPharm Europe, un nouveau congrès e-pharma (stratégie digitale/numérique pour l’industrie pharmaceutique), qui aura lieu à Londres en septembre 2009.
Comme je le disais, il s’agît, à ma connaissance, de la première édition. Je n’ai pour le moment pas plus de détail sur cet événement. Si quelqu’un es sait davantage…
Voici l’invitation que j’ai reçu par email :
Dear Mr Simon Wyckaert,
I hope this email finds you well.
It is with pleasure that I invite you to give an address at DigiPharm Europe, taking place in London on the 23rd and 24th September 2009.
Health Network Communications is organising the first annual e-marketing forum where all the major pharmaceutical and regulatory agencies across Europe will discuss the challenges and strategies used to enhance online communication, customer relationship, strengthen brand awareness and improve profitability in digital marketing.
We have developed a provisional agenda using industry research. Broadly speaking, the event will address the major strategic and operational issues involved in digital marketing, including:
- Creating the perfect marketing mix for your product
- How can digital marketing technologies be used to improve online communication with physician
- Specialist e-marketing skills; e-detailing integration to customer relationship management systems to tailor your marketing campaign
- Synergy between online marketing and off line marketing
- The use of search engine marketing to create brand awareness
- Regulatory landscape review and current EU legislation on DTCA
- How do you utilise web 2.0 and new media
- Rich media marketing and how best to utilize the following:
- Measuring ROI what are the tracking and analytical tools available?
I would very much like you to take part in the meeting by addressing the following topic ’impact search engine marketing has on your brand’ scheduled for the 24th September 2009. Alternatively, if another subject is of interest, I would be delighted to consider your suggestion. I will also work around your schedule if an alternative day is preferential. I have attached the programme which outlines the topics we will cover for your information.
Health Network Communications, the event organizers, hold some of the most successful events in the Healthcare Calendar. Our events attract business strategists, scientists, academics and policy holders from across the globe.
Please visit our website for further information about us. This event is being put together in collaboration with an advisory board of eminent professionals.
I do hope that you can take part in what promises to be an interesting and worthwhile few days. I would appreciate it if you could get back to me as soon as possible so that we can ascertain whether you would like to take part.
Kind regards,
Je voulais mettre à votre disposition la brochure du DigiPharm Europe 2009 mais, à l’heure où je vous écris, elle n’est pas encore disponible.
Pour plus d’informations, vous pouvez consulter la brochure du DigiPharm Europe 2009.
Quoiqu’il en soit, j’espère que ma direction acceptera que je m’y rende. Je vais déjà râté Digital Pharma à Barcelone, alors…
MAJ du 14/05/2009 :
Informations et inscriptions :
Vous pouvez aussi consulter le groupe DigiPharm sur LinkedIn.
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